Foreign National Loans

Foreign National Loans

Foreign National Loan Experts

Mortgage programs are available for foreign nationals from foreign national loan experts to expedite and streamline the lending process. Foreign national loans are loans provided to individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of the country where the loan is being issued. These loans are typically offered by banks and financial institutions to foreign nationals who are living and working in the country on a temporary basis, such as international students, expatriates, or individuals with work visas.

Foreign national loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as purchasing a home or car, funding education, or starting a business. However, these loans often come with stricter requirements and higher interest rates than loans offered to citizens or permanent residents. To apply for a foreign national loan, applicants typically need to provide proof of income, employment, and residency status. Some lenders may also require a cosigner who is a citizen or permanent resident of the country.

Various Programs

We have financing for businesses and homes, for both purchases and refinances.

Payment Methods

Customers may select from two distinct payment options: Capital + interest vs. just interest

Title to Property

Customers have the option of closing the debt through a corporation. Individual or Limited Liability Company

Varying Properties

Single-family homes, multi-family homes, townhomes, condo-hotels, offices/warehouses, and luxury homes are all types of condos.

Payment Options

NO early payment penalties Without incurring any fees, clients can either pay off the complete loan or make additional payments.


You can develop a customized answer with the aid of our experts for you and your business. We will reach you after you provide us with your information.

Our foreign national residential loan programs have minimal documentation requirements and quick approval.

Pre-Approval Documents Needed:

  • Completed Foreign National Loan Application
  • Copy of Identification, Passport, and/or Driver’s License
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (if applicable)
  • Proof of Address
    • Any cable, electric, or water bill under your name that shows the current address where you are living
  • If Self-employed or Owner of the Company:
    • Last Two (2) Years of Personal Tax Returns
    • Year to date personal financial statement prepared by your accountant
    • Last (2) Years of Business Tax Returns
    • Year to date business financial statement prepared by your accountant (Profit & Loss)
  • If Employed:
    • Last Two (w) Years of Personal Tax Returns
    • Last Two (2) Pay Stubs
    • Name, Telephone, Email of person who will give information from your current job. This individual must complete a verification of employment.
    • Copy of Last Three (3) Months of Bank Statements for all accounts both inside your country and outside (if applicable) wherever assets can be sourced.

Documents Required for Final Approval

  • Copy of Fully Executed Sales Contract
  • Copy of Checks and/or Transfers
    • Given to Seller as payment for the property

Types of programs

  • Fixed loans for 30, 20, and 15 years
  • Adjustable mortgages in rate for 1, 3, 5, and 7 years type of property

Types of Payments

Customers can choose between two different payments:

  • Principal plus interest
  • Interest-only

Payment Features

  • NO penalties for prepayment
  • Customers can pay the entire loan or make additional payments without any penalty


  • Clients can choose to close the loan under the figure of Corporation
  • Limited Liability Company or Personal Title